Juanita Book

By Juanita Torrence-Thompson

©Copyright by Juanita Torrence-Thompson

JUANITA TORRENCE-THOMPSON is a poet/writer/speaker whose award-winning work appears in U.S. and Canadian journals and online. See her poetry and book information at: Poetry Town. See Barbara Hantman's review of Torrence-Thompson's CELEBRATING A TAPESTRY OF LIFE (Torderwarz Publishing Company)at: The Pedestal Magazine

In Praise of Auntie Jo

Such a delight, this modest lady
Always looks on the bright side
Finds humor in the strangest places

Holds deep conversations
On personal matters
Local and world events
Or just chit chat

I enjoy our long talks
Our Scrabble marathons
Her expertise on golf
Her wisdom

I appreciate
Her empathy
And sharing her
Knowledge of art
With others

She accepts awards
For community service
With stylish grace

I love her paintings
Her vivacity
Her view of life
I love Auntie Jo