Juanita Book

By Juanita Torrence-Thompson

©Copyright by Juanita Torrence-Thompson

JUANITA TORRENCE-THOMPSON is a poet/writer/speaker whose award-winning work appears in U.S. and Canadian journals and online. See her poetry and book information at: Poetry Town. See Barbara Hantman's review of Torrence-Thompson's CELEBRATING A TAPESTRY OF LIFE (Torderwarz Publishing Company)at: The Pedestal Magazine

It's Springtime

We can cast off heavy woolen
Coats, slacks, sox, scarves and
Leather boots

We don't have to turn the heat
To 70 degrees or higher
To keep warm

No need for the
Car defroster on
No more shivering
Enroute to the bus stop

We can shampoo our carpets
Scour Venetian blinds
Shellac our wood floors

We can happily unearth
And dust off our bicycles
For family outings
In Flushing Meadow Park

We can jog in Alley Pond Park
Or along Kew Gardens Road
Without our eyes tearing or
Nose freezing

We can lie on our back terrace
Soak up dulcet sun
Smell redolent flowers
See squirrels scurrying
For acorns in parks
Or among Tudor homes We can hear birds conversing
No more hibernating
We can live again