Juanita Book

By Juanita Torrence-Thompson

©Copyright by Juanita Torrence-Thompson

JUANITA TORRENCE-THOMPSON is a poet/writer/speaker whose award-winning work appears in U.S. and Canadian journals and online. See her poetry and book information at: Poetry Town. See Barbara Hantman's review of Torrence-Thompson's CELEBRATING A TAPESTRY OF LIFE (Torderwarz Publishing Company)at: The Pedestal Magazine

Our Queens Neighbor

Whenever we went away
our neighbors kept an eye
on our house and vice versa

One winter we returned home
and our dear neighbor had
shoveled snow in front of our house
so our mail could be delivered

and in our back driveway
so when we returned from our trip
we could drive into our driveway
without having to start shoveling snow
about 10 o'clock at night

Everyone should have neighbors like this
We are all neighbors
so perhaps we should all try
to be good neighbors like that